


















2020.7至今 湖北经济学院低碳经济学院讲师,碳排放权交易省部共建协同创新中心研究员



1Hua-Rong Peng, Yue-Jun Zhang*, Jing-Yue Liu. The energy rebound effect of digital development: Evidence from 285 cities in China. Energy, 2023, 270: 126837.

2. Hua-Rong Peng, Xiu-Jie Tan*, Shunsuke Managi, & Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary. Club convergence in energy efficiency of Belt and Road Initiative countries: The role of China’s outward foreign direct investment. Energy Policy, 2022, 168: 113139.

3. Hua-Rong Peng, Jingbo Cui, Xiaoling Zhang*. Does China emission trading scheme reduce marginal abatement cost? A perspective of allowance allocation alternatives. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 32: 690-699.

4. Hua-Rong Peng, Shao-Zhou Qi, & Yue-Jun Zhang*. Does trade promote energy efficiency convergence in the Belt and Road Initiative countries? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 322:129063.

5. Huarong Peng, Shaozhou Qi, Jingbo Cui*. The environmental and economic effects of the carbon emissions trading scheme in China: The role of alternative allowance allocation. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2021, 28:105-115. (ESI高被引论文)

6. Shibao Lu, Xiaoling Zhang*, Huarong Peng*, Martin Skitmore, Xiao Bai, Zhihong Zheng. The energy-food-water nexus: Water footprint of Henan-Hubei-Hunan in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 135: 110417.

7. Shao-Zhou Qi, Hua-Rong Peng, Xiao-Ling Zhang*, Xiu-Jie Tan*. Is energy efficiency of Belt and Road Initiative countries catching up or falling behind? Evidence from a panel quantile regression approach. Applied Energy, 2019, 253: 113581.

8. Shao-Zhou Qi, Hua-Rong Peng, Yue-Jun Zhang*. Energy intensity convergence in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries: What role does China-BRI trade play? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 239: 118022.

9. Yue-Jun Zhang*, Hua-Rong Peng, Bin Su. Energy rebound effect in China’s Industry: An aggregate and disaggregate analysis. Energy Economics, 2017, 61: 199-208.

10. Yue-Jun Zhang*, Hua-Rong Peng. Exploring the direct rebound effect of residential electricity consumption: An empirical study in China. Applied Energy, 2017, 196: 132-141.

11. Yue-Jun Zhang*, Hua-Rong Peng, Zhao Liu, Wei-De Tan. Direct energy rebound effect for road passenger transport in China: A dynamic panel quantile regression approach. Energy Policy, 2015, 87: 303-313.

12. Yue-Jun Zhang*, Hua-Rong Peng. Direct rebound effect of China’s residential electricity consumption based on the panel threshold model. Energy Procedia, 2016, 104: 305-310.

13. Shao-Zhou Qi, Hua-Rong Peng, Xiu-Jie Tan*. The Moderating Effect of R&D Investment on Income and Carbon Emissions in China: Direct and Spatial Spillover Insights. Sustainability, 2019, 11(5): 1235.

14. Tian-Tian Zhu*, Hua-Rong Peng, Yue-Jun Zhang. The influence of higher education development on economic growth: evidence from central China. Higher Education Policy, 2018, 31(2): 139-157.

15. Tian-Tian Zhu*, Hua-Rong Peng, Yue-Jun Zhang, Jing-Yue Liu. Does higher education development facilitate carbon emissions reduction in China. Applied Economics, 2021: 1-13.

16. 朱恬恬,胡霞,彭华荣.“双一流”建设高校的全要素科技创新效率研究[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2018,20(06):163-169.




1. 国家自然科学基金,72304092,数字技术诱发的工业行业能源回弹效应研究:机制、测度与政策优化,2024.01-2026.12,30万,主持

2. 湖北省自然科学基金项目,2022CFB605, “双碳”背景下智能制造的能源回弹效应评估及应对策略研究,2022.12-2024.12,5万元,在研,主持

3. 湖北省教育厅,21Y179,长江中下游洪涝灾害返贫致贫的影响机理和政策保障,2021.9-2024.9,1万元,在研,主持

4. 英国繁荣基金,国际合作项目,PF3051 CH-WS3HBUE YR1,UK-China Cooperation on Climate Change Risk Assessment,2019-11至2022-03,结项,参加

5. 国家社会科学基金委员会,重大项目子课题,18ZDA107,我国碳排放权交易体系的总量设定与配额分配方法评价与完善,2018-12至2023-12,20万元,在研,参加

6. 科技部,国家重点研发计划课题,2018YFC1509005,我国重点行业与地区碳配额分配方法与能力建设,2018-12至2021-12,208万,结项,参加

7. 世界银行,PMI项目, 2022-1至2022-12,15万美元,结项,参加



1. 研究成果“湖北省重点领域碳排放控制政策和措施减排潜力评估研究”获湖北省生态环境厅采纳,2022年,排名2/3

2. 湖北经济学院2021-2022学年优秀教学奖三等奖

3. 国家级A类赛事第九届全国大学生能源学术创意大赛最佳指导教师奖

4. 工作论文《Is energy efficiency of Belt and Road Initiative countries catching up or falling behind? Evidence from a panel quantile regression approach》入选由《经济研究》编辑部举办的第二届气候变化经济学学术研讨会优秀论文



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